Monday, February 22, 2010


Comment Links!







Taxing Pop Really a Solution?

I found the video of that NYC health advertisement to be pretty shocking and just plain gross. It's obvious here that they use shock value to get the publics attention. The guy in the ad commercial is drinking fat for crying-out-loud, like literally. I think that the technique of using the scare tactic is quite smart to bring this type of message out to the public. Though I think it is effective and clearly states the cons of drinking soda, I don't think it's something that can really change people's mind of drinking soda in the long-term, because it's just not in our ability to just completely stop drinking these drinks. It's not that realistic, especially for teenagers, but i do agree that we can reduce the amount of pop we drink.

As you can notice in today's society, America is very big on junk food. In particular parts of the United States, obesity in children and teenagers can be found easily. This is caused by over production and advertisements of junk food. So now this is why we are starting to see ads and commercials likes this, showing us how unhealthy some foods and drinks really are. I actually believe that if the tax goes the right way and all the ideas are successful, then yes, we may see it all come together here in Cananda, but it is still not something right. Now for me, I buy pop and chips not on a regular bases, if anything maybe a few times a week, but nothing big that would actually have a devastating blow on my body. I think that there are solutions out there for obesity and constant gain of fat for many people in America and here. Overall, it's decided on how the person is able to control themselves, and to know what they really need. In the end, i would mostly go against the taxes that are being put on these type of issues.

Photo Manipulation in the Media

In today's society we can see that media has affected our lives greatly. Photoshop is used by many people these days, but in media and especially when the photo shopped images are brought out to public, it can be quite big. This especially goes towards images that have been photo shopped badly. Sometimes many people may get fooled from what's real and just another "edited" picture. This particularly happens with celebrities. In before and after pictures of particular celebrities, you can notice changes in their bodies and face structure and even to the details of their skin.

Almost all the time the media wants you to believe what you see on the ads and pictures posted up in magazines and posters. Like how you can get clean and clear skin, or like become as skinny as the image of the girl seen on what ever poster or magazine. It just doesn't really show the truth behind it all and the realism of the pictures is not really there. I think it's still quite rare that even today, it's hard to find natural (non-edited) pictures of people's appearance in those advertisement photos.

The Changing Face of Video Games

Now it is obvious that video games has impacted many people's lives in many ways, weather it has a positive effect or negative effect. Throughout the years you can see that there are quite big changes and developments to video games and it's consoles too. For example; in the past, you can see that graphics were not that great, but over the years it was noticable that realism of graphics started to show up and become better in different games. This is just one out of the many other aspects of games, that have been improved from the past.

In my opinion I think that gaming companies and organizations have worked hard to bring out the best in video games and the things that could actually make it beneficial. Now I've seen throughout the recent years that there are games coming out (or already on the shelves in stores), that help benefit you in reading memorizing, and other aspects of the human mind. These games are mostly created by the Nintendo Company, which also ties in to the beneficits of the Nintendo Wii Fit.

So really, I believe that games have evolved because of the fact that many games today can come out in different genres such as cooking games, mind games, tactical games, and sports/active games, which all show something that we all can relate to. In the past we didn't have games targeted at this big of a audience, but these days many different people no matter what age, or where you're from, you can play. It shows that maybe in the future we will have games that would be more realistic and beneficial than ever.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Social Awareness Contradiction

I think that it was a good direction and great idea for dove to create this campaign. It's a good idea to show women how not to be so over-controlled by the media industry. I believe that some teenagers think way too much about their appearance. These people might actually damage their own bodies. There are a couple of reasons how this happens. Teenagers may want to loose weight by maybe over-dose of drugs that go into their system, over fatigue, which all cause some type of damage to your body, weather it's physically or mentally. The statement also says how girls are being fooled and are unrealistic, which I do agree.

Now I want to take a step and talk about the Axe Effect Campaigne. I think that it was done too over the top. It's obvious that wearing axe products on you will not bring all these girls to you. The company over-exaggerated the effects about this product. Now i admit, it is a advertisement commercial that can catch many people's attention, weather it's for a good reason or a bad reason. In my opinion, i think thaht guys would kind of laugh at this because of the fact that it applies to men, but girls might think of it in a different way.

In the end I think that the UNILEVER uses good techniques in bringing out what they have to offer in our society. I just think that they have to be careful on knowing what type of people are being affected postively and negatively in our society today.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ads of the past- Did they really say that?

Ad #1. So the first advertisement i want to focus on is the one that talks about your weight and how everyone should be skinny. In my opinion i think the one of the most shocking parts about this is the fact that they say how tape worms would help lose weight. If you think about it who would really want to digest a tape worm to eat away at your body. It's just purely disgusting. It's obvious that these types of advertisements with this type of shock factor, are not out on the public these days, because in todays most of us know what's good for us and knowing the difference between healthy and just plain crazy. Though weight loss is something many americans follow, we have to know what the things that won't harm our body. Now there are kind of similar ads like this today, but just with a less shock factor and not too over the top.

Ad #2. This second advertisement is about the one with the girl being attracted to the smoker. Now a while back ago, there were many people who thought smoking was an "in" thing. This was an ad that was probably brought out to public during those times. And I see it as one of those advertisements that are just out there to sell the products, and not really telling you what's good for you. I also find it to be quite a bad influence for the most part to many people in our society.

Ad #3. The third advertisment is the one with the "Lard". This one actually suprised me. How would eating basically fat just suddenly make you happy. In my opinion i think that this advertisement shows how the American society at the time weren't very smart at thinking about the types of things that would good for them or help benefit their lives. Also, this advertisement doesn't really show any good positives, because clearly at the time they wouldn't know whats healthy and good for your body, especially too specific older people. Compare that type of advertisement then, to what we would have today... yes, totally different.

Ad #4. So the last advertisement is the one with the "Camel" cigarette smoke. It's clear that these days we wouldn't see advertisements like these because in our society there is no one that really supports smoking anymore, no matter what type of cigarette or smoke it is. I think that the shocking part of this is the fact that doctors are smoking these products. You wouldn't have advertisements like these nowadays, because especially that fact that it's doctors and how it might reflect a bad influence on our society today.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I think Google made a great add on to the Google maps, by creating Google Street View. I personally think that it is great for knowing exactly what a specific location actually looks like. Using Google Street View can easily give a better perpective of a particular area (for example your neighbourhood), because you are able to navigate through places using directional keys and the fact that you in viewing the streets in 3-dimensional. This can help many people because some people aren't able to recognize destinations they want to go to, or know how specific addresses look like. If you think about it, it would be easier to find something like a building or house or street if you would already know how it would look like. In my opinion I think Google Street View doesn't really affect that much of your privacy because they do have some characters blurred and that there are limits to what you are able to see. For example; you aren't able to completely rotate and look full circle around a specific house, because I think that would go to the point of invading people's privacy. Also using Google Street View can help people reach far boundaries and take a look at places they haven't even been before (places not just in their general area).
"All of the above^^, yeup thats me______________Lustuuuuhhhhlumpuuh_____________MW gr.10"