Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ads of the past- Did they really say that?

Ad #1. So the first advertisement i want to focus on is the one that talks about your weight and how everyone should be skinny. In my opinion i think the one of the most shocking parts about this is the fact that they say how tape worms would help lose weight. If you think about it who would really want to digest a tape worm to eat away at your body. It's just purely disgusting. It's obvious that these types of advertisements with this type of shock factor, are not out on the public these days, because in todays most of us know what's good for us and knowing the difference between healthy and just plain crazy. Though weight loss is something many americans follow, we have to know what the things that won't harm our body. Now there are kind of similar ads like this today, but just with a less shock factor and not too over the top.

Ad #2. This second advertisement is about the one with the girl being attracted to the smoker. Now a while back ago, there were many people who thought smoking was an "in" thing. This was an ad that was probably brought out to public during those times. And I see it as one of those advertisements that are just out there to sell the products, and not really telling you what's good for you. I also find it to be quite a bad influence for the most part to many people in our society.

Ad #3. The third advertisment is the one with the "Lard". This one actually suprised me. How would eating basically fat just suddenly make you happy. In my opinion i think that this advertisement shows how the American society at the time weren't very smart at thinking about the types of things that would good for them or help benefit their lives. Also, this advertisement doesn't really show any good positives, because clearly at the time they wouldn't know whats healthy and good for your body, especially too specific older people. Compare that type of advertisement then, to what we would have today... yes, totally different.

Ad #4. So the last advertisement is the one with the "Camel" cigarette smoke. It's clear that these days we wouldn't see advertisements like these because in our society there is no one that really supports smoking anymore, no matter what type of cigarette or smoke it is. I think that the shocking part of this is the fact that doctors are smoking these products. You wouldn't have advertisements like these nowadays, because especially that fact that it's doctors and how it might reflect a bad influence on our society today.


Blogger arbbeen said...

to your comment on the 1st ad. i totally agree with what your saying. Why would anyone digest a taqpe worms just to lose weight, i'm pretty sure that would give some major stomach problems. The feeling of just thinking about a tapeworm living in my stomach and eating my digested food... to disgusting. Plus its my food to eat not a stupid tape worm, can you even survive from having a tapeworm living in your body? what were people thinking.

February 15, 2010 at 1:19 PM  
Blogger --aljouh ' said...

I agree on what you are trying to explain. Ads back then, in my opinion, were used to portray other peoples fashion trends. By portraying a harsh example on how to lose fat, how to look cool by smoking, and etc. Those who are trying to send out this message on what is cool are making those with low self-esteem feel better by making them do what other "cool" people are doing. These ads really show how cool those people were back then, uh?

March 8, 2010 at 6:30 AM  
Blogger Steph Says said...

I agree with what you said. Just having the thought of tapeworms is disgusting; imagine having them living in your stomach. People back then were obviously dumb and came up with ridiculous ideas to advertise their products. I mean, who would even eat fat? Who really smokes because they think chicks dig it? These ads were just real stupid and I can’t believe they were shown in public.

May 29, 2010 at 3:06 PM  

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